Any person that has even spent a few hours with me knows that I despise cold weather and short, dark days. I’m finally OK with admitting that the next few months are some of the toughest when it comes to my mental health. I often joke around that all I want to do is hibernate until it gets warm again; what that looks like for me in practice is that I often miss workouts, I tend to cancel plans, and I spend a lot of time on my couch. I’ve gotten better at recognizing the signs that I’ve taken my “Netflix & chill” too far and need to get back to the self care practices that always make me feel better. One of the most important of those practices is being outside, whether it’s for the entire day or even 10 minutes. There is something about breathing crisp fresh air that invigorates me. Other mood enhancing benefits I personally look forward to are:
I encourage everyone to try to stick to a routine as best you can. Some days may be easier, some may be harder but setting your habits in place now will mean greater success of sticking to those habits in the coming months. With that said, I’m getting off my computer and going for a walk!