BSF Union Square
47 West 14th Street, 5th Floor, New York NY 10011
BSF Upper East Side
330 E 59th St, New York, NY 10022
(646) 684-4912
To help BSF’s clients get to know Stephany better, we played 21 questions with her. Find out what she tells clients who are intimated by working with a trainer, her personal “fitspiration,” favorite workout song, and much more here!
1. How did you first hear about BSF?
I met Eddy through a Crossfit training facility in Astoria, then we ran into each other on the train one day, he told me about Body Space Fitness and we exchanged info. The rest is now history!
2. What made you want to work here?
I love the energy here! Everyone is really friendly and even the members seem excited to be here, which is great to see!
3. Where can we find you in between training clients?
Once it is warmer outside (hopefully soon), either at the park reading a book or there is an outside movie night by my apartment in Astoria I love!
4. What will we find in your gym bag?
My lifting shoes, VooDoo floss band
, wrist wraps and a lacrosse ball.
5. Favorite athletic brand?
Lulu (Lemon)
, of course!
6. What do you do when you’re feeling unmotivated to workout?
Watch really cheesy inspirational videos on YouTube.
7. When you are planning out a class, what do you think about?
How can I make everyone more excited to come in next time because they had so much fun?
8. What is your favorite exercise to do?
Squatting and snatching.
9. What is your favorite exercise to teach?
Squatting or deadlifting. Both are very essential for the human body and typically, people don’t know how to do it without hurting themselves. I love teaching people how to do it correctly.
10. What do you do to relax?
Netflix or read.
11. Perfect Sunday afternoon activity?
Church and then coffee, preferably outside.
12. What do you tell clients who are intimidated by working with a personal trainer?
I tell them I am on their
team. I’m not here to beat them up but to make them better!
13. Who is your “fitspiration”?
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet
, a Canadian crossfitter.
14. Celebrity doppleganger?
Everyone says I look like Selena
(Quintanilla, not Gomez. Ha!).
18. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
An astronaut. I find stars and space so fascinating!
19. What celebrity would you love to train and why?
Ryan Reynolds
or Ryan Gosling…so I have an excuse to touch their butts!
20. What is your favorite song to workout to?
Roar by Katy Perry. I don’t know why but that song gets me GOING!
21. What is the best advice you ever received?
“Life is a journey, not a race.”
The post 21 Questions with BSF’s New Trainer, Stephany Bolivar! appeared first on Body Space Fitness.