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There’s one thing every Insta-famous person with an enviable butt will tell you: The secret to building a round, tight tush is lifting weights.
Katya Henry is perfect proof. The 21-year-old Instagram fitness star ( @katyaelisehenry ) hails from Miami and has racked up nearly 2 million Instagram followers since she launched her account during her senior year of high school.
Katya is in the final stages of earning her personal training certification, but she’s already figured out which butt exercises work for her — and it’s no coincidence that most of them involve lifting prettttty heavy weights.
“The only way to make the muscles in your butt stronger and bigger is to push them toward doing something they can’t do in their current state,” explains Kelvin Gary, certified fitness trainer and owner of Body Space Fitness in NYC. The goal is to cause micro tears in the muscles so when they repair themselves (as muscles do), they grow back bigger and thicker. And bigger muscles in the butt are exactly what you need to turn your butt into a bona fide ~booty~.
Lifting heavy weights is the most efficient way to micro-tear your muscles because it tires them out more quickly than doing a million reps of a less strenuous exercise. To build a butt like Katya’s ASAP, try the weight-bearing moves she performs twice a week:
The post The 1 Surprising Secret to Getting a Booty You Can Instagram appeared first on Body Space Fitness.